The Soul of Communication

My salutations,

I will be going through how I envision communication and critical thinking impacting my future role as a leader in the workplace after reading the prompt in the reference (2014, March 25, para. 1-5) listed at the end of this post. 

It is evident from the prompt that clear communication and critical thinking are essential to organizations, at least in the US and UK, where the study was conducted. As a leader in the workplace, if I am unable to present information or ideas to my superiors, colleagues, or subordinates clearly, there will be misconceptions or miscommunication. This would lead to ineffective management and possibly an extension of deadlines or stress from needing to start all over again. It would be costly if the project proceeds beyond the point where manufacturing or prototyping has been initiated. It is important that information shared or discussions between two or more parties are precise, comprehensive, and fair. 

Therefore, communication in any form must be understandable and clearly defined. Through critical thinking, I can ask relevant, rational, and constructive questions, and answer questions in a concise, logical, and clear manner.

Signing off,

Timothy Lee


Critical Thinking: The Soul of Effective Communication | TalentLens. (2014a, March 25). Pearson TalentLens.,in%20the%20most%20optimal%20way


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